Monday, April 27, 2015

Fat Burning Loophole For Women

In today’s video you’ll see a fat burning loophole science has discovered to help women dramatically increase their metabolism, and lose weight faster where they need to most.

I think you’ll be absolutely amazed:

And get this:

Research reveals when women use this one tip to boost their metabolism they can burn fat way faster and easier than men instead of the other way around!

If you want to flip on your female fat burning switch, then check this out:

Why It’s Harder For Women To Lose Weight

Look, fact is women are hardwired to have much more difficult time losing weight and keeping it off than Men. You can just thank evolution for that one.

Now, today’s video shows you exactly what’s happening in a woman’s body that’s making it harder to lose weight.  And more importantly, you’ll see a breakthrough, science-proven tip to boost the female metabolism that makes fat burning a whole lot easier!

I think you’re going to love this:

In fact, research shows when women use this tip to boost their metabolism they burn fat faster and easier than men, instead of the other way around for once!

Use this flat belly tip to flip on your female fat burning switch today:

#1 Metabolism Boosting Tip

Today’s video lesson shows you a brand new, powerful metabolism boosting tip designed specifically to help women lose weight fast where they need to most.

And get this:

Research shows when Women use this science-proven tip to boost their metabolism they burn fat faster and easier than men instead of the other way around for once!

Use this flat belly tip to flip on your female fat burning switch today:

Breakthrough MetabolismBoosting Tip For Women Only  <---  video lesson

The sheer number of real, everyday Women with shocking  transformations in this video that have used this flat belly tip will absolutely amaze you. It really is pretty crazy stuff!

True or False: Women Should Diet Like Men?

Knowing how hormonally different men and women are, have you ever wondered if both sexes should diet the exact same way?

Well, recent research suggests NOT.

You see, science has recently discovered unique diet strategies proven to work perfectly with the female metabolism that help Women lose weight much faster.

Check out these breakthrough strategies in today’s video lesson below:

And get this:

Surprisingly enough, research shows when women use these unique tips to boost their metabolism they’re able to burn fat faster and easier than men instead of the other way around for once!

You’re going to love this:

PS.  I GUARANTEE you’ve never heard or seen anything like this before. You’re about to see some truly cutting edge fat-burning tips perfect for the female metabolism.

4 Worst Foods For Women?

A shocking scientific breakthrough reveals that certain foods cause women to both store and pack on ugly belly fat.

What’s more, because of the nasty and filthy effects they have on your hormones --- these foods can trigger women to “yo-yo” when trying to diet.

Here’s another SHOCKER: these foods are not only incredibly common and eaten by women nearly every day but they are also considered to be “healthy”.

Science proves it’s imperative for women stop eating this foods NOW… see for yourself which foods you should avoid like the plague here:

You see most food studies are done on “male subjects”.  Naturally a woman has an entirely different set of hormones than a man.  So while many of those “health foods” are ok for men… they are devastating for women looking to lose weight.

The good news is, the study also reveals the foods you can easily and affordably swap into your diet. PLUS these foods trigger your hormones to melt fat off your body like July sun on ice.  You have to see it to believe it:

How To Drop 3 Dress Sizes In A Week

One of the top fitness experts in North America was almost driven mad trying to find a weight loss solution that could work for his sister, who was becoming dangerously obese.

She had everything working against her as well… her mother and father were fat... and her grandparents were both obese.

Now even though her brother became fit and buff with those rotten genetics, (and became widely regarded as one of the leading fitness and nutrition experts in the world for men looking to be fit and buff)...

NOTHING worked for his sister.

He had tried for years to give her workouts and diets that worked for men… but they only caused her to “yo-yo” and pack on more fat.

This was further driving her to be extremely depressed and hopeless that she could ever lose the weight.

Yet he was absolutely determined to find something for his older sister!

So he went on a frenzied manic search to find a solution that would work for her.  And, after 2 years of mind-numbing research while working with one of the top supplement companies in the world…

He made a discovery so SHOCKING…


That it is revolutionizing women’s weight loss right now.

You see, he stumbled upon a “Female Weight Loss LOOPHOLE” based on ONE hormone in the female body.  And once you trigger this hormone --- shockingly easy to do --- it dramatically increases your metabolism… melting fat right off your body.

Once he showed the secret to his sister… she INSTANTLY dropped 3 dress sizes in a week! 

And in just 5 months she dropped an amazing 12 dress sizes while losing a whopping 53 pounds (and has kept the weight off with absolute ease now for 5 years)!

What’s more, this secret has been proven successful with over 240,000 women… who have used it to torch ugly fat off their body immediately, keeping it off for good… without any sort of restrictive diet or cardio routines or taking supplements.

To get this revolutionary breakthrough then go here:

Thursday, April 23, 2015

How to Break Bad Habits

By: Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

We all have bad habits. Mine are checking email too frequently, being unorganized, and not always eating enough to fuel full recovery from my workouts.

Your bad habits might include too much snacking and cheating on your nutrition plan, coming up with excuses to skip exercise, or watching too much TV.

Bad habits are the reason we need coaches. One of my coaches is Lee Milteer, who gave me the exercises below, that I want you to go through to help you break your bad habits.

If you've been trying to lose fat and get lean by yourself, but with no luck, isn't it time to get professional help & social support?

It's hard to change. I know it. I battle against my bad habits all the time, just like you do everyday. But each day I also make an effort to overcome the bad habits, just as you should have a plan in place to overcome your bad weight loss habits.

Don't let insecurity, fear of failure, or the fear of the unknown hold you back from making changes. Don't be a victim. "Give yourself PERMISSION to change," Lee says.

So let's take action. Print this email out. Now write down 3 excuses you are using to avoid making the changes you need to succeed.


How have these excuses affected your life? What have the excuses stopped you from achieving? Write down 3 very important things that you have missed out on because you've allowed yourself to make excuses.


Now how do you feel when you fall victim to one of your self-sabotaging excuses?


What benefits do you get from the excuse? Is it simply that you get to remain in your comfort zone? That's a big one for me. If I can convince myself that I need to check my email, then I get to remain in my comfort zone and avoid the hard work and fear of failure that comes with writing an article. Or is it the fear of the unknown that is holding you back? Write down 3 ways you benefit from making excuses.


So now we both know why we've created our excuses - to avoid something. All we need to do now is find a way to overcome these bad habits. I want you to write down 3 behaviors you want to stop.


Now write down why you end up doing it...were you bored, fearful, lazy, etc.


Now give yourself the permission to change. "Envision the rewards you will get when you make the change to your life and habits," Lee tells us. Give yourself a powerful list of reasons for fixing the habit.


Working on bad habits everyday will give you an incredible boost in self-esteem and confidence. With each small successful improvement you'll build confidence to take on the bigger, badder habits that are holding you back.

Remember, everyday we are a work in progress. You might have bad days, but as long as you make overall improvement each week and month - that is all that matters.

Lee also recommends charting your progress. I have said many times before that you need to keep records of your workouts and nutrition. Only then will you know what works and how much improvement you have made.

And finally, get social support. Don't expect to do this alone. One research study from Stanford University concluded social support was the #1 factor for success in an exercise program.

About the Author
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit